Friday, 23 November 2007

More websites...














More 10 Keywords...

(1) ABC1 scale: This is a system of social classification, based on a independants job. This is really useful to my independant study because i will be able to talk about some of the links to my target audience. So for example if i had to say what the target audience are for my study i would probably say Asians who are middle class and then go into depth saying if they are C1 or C2? and so on

(2) Action code: This means when something is seen to be in a dramatic structure and the outcome result of it is violence, it grabs the readers attention immediately. This is really useful for my study because we ofen see this happening to Aishwarya by Deepak, which makes the audience have a effect and they view Aishwarya to be the main pratagonist.

(3) Active Audience Theory: This means when the audience to act as active participants to what they see and this has an influence/effect on them. This can be used in my study because when Aishwarya is being abused by Deepak it in a way involves the audience in as it is seen to be a real issue and is something in common.

(4) Actuality: Something that is filmed or even reported on real events. This can be easily related to my study as 'Provoked' is based on a real life story, of Kiranjeet Ahluwalia that had got abused by her husband. It shows the outer/real world we live in.

(5) Analogue: This is the way something is recored if it is seen as visual or sound images, it anchors the shape of something. This is seen to be quiet useful to my text as we see various shots like this e.g Aishwarya getting abused.

(6) Antagonist: The hero and Villian seen together but in a binary opposition. We see this is 'Provked' the jail seen when Aishwarya gets bullied by a white lady in the same jail as her.

(7) Anti-Climax- The narrative is seen to be slow and then reaches to the main bit of the narrative and then leaves the audience in disapointment/suspence? We can relate this back in the beginning of the text when Aishwarya burns her husband alive.

(8) Femininty: Feminsim fight for their rights and are against male dominance and the patriarchal society. The film of my text follows the theme of femininty.

(9) Racism: Making offensive comments against a religion/race. We see this in 'Provoked' when Aish goes to jail and is seen to be the only Asian.

(10) Flashbacks: When the narrative looks back at the stuff that has already happened. 'Provoked' takes us the audience back to remind us of what happened.

Monday, 19 November 2007

Meeting with Blog Buddy...

As my class buddy is Dips I met her over the weekend to have a talk about our research and what books will be both useful to me and her. We had spent rougly about 1-2 hours going through the books we both had gathered and some of the internet research we had. We then came to our final book and decided what we were going to share.

In my viewpoint I think the best book for Dips so far is the book about Gender Studies by Anne Cranny- Francis, Wendy Waring, Pam Stavropoulos and Joan Kirkby 2003. This book heavily focuses on Gender roles, and has alot to say about both females and males, and their roles have changed over the period of time. Some of the page numbers that i believe that will be helpful to Dips are pages 5and 6...The reason for this being is because they talk about Male dominance throughout and show how the they were precieved and how they are still seen to be dominant. Also i would recommend this book to Dips and myself because they talk in depth about Gender Studies and how females are portrayed.

The book has got excellent Theroies;theoriest, that give different views and ideas. I belive that this book will be a great use for the pair of us.

Cover Work: 19th Nov

Blog Summaries

Both me and Dips decided that we will work with Tanya, as she her blog buddy was not in today. We all somehow had managed to link our studies in some way inorder to give ourselves the oppourtunity to see what they have got to offer.

Some of the areas me and dips had a discussion was over how females are seen to be inferior and how the males are seen to be superior. Furthemore, me and Dips were also looking at areas such as Masuculinity and gender roles itself. This is some way had also benefited Tanya as she was looking at Females in EastEnders, and we discussed what theroist all 3 of us can use, and the books that can come in handy for us all.

Saturday, 10 November 2007

'Bibliography: Books'
(1) Media, Gender and Identity By David Gauntlett ( First published in 2002)
I have chose this book, for my Independant Study because it is very useful and has got some excellent reference to other authors that can be handy for me. As my Independant study is based on Race and Gender, this book has got excellent quotes for me that i will be able to use. Page 72 has got useful information how Gender Roles were seen in the past anh they are being percieved today. This will be very handy for me as i will be able to link this back to how both men and women were seen during the old days and how they are seen today. Page 6-9 heavily focuses on the issues about 'Masculinity' and how they are seen, in the 21st century.

(2) Knowing Women Feminism and Knowledge by Helen Crowley and Susan Himmelweit (1992)

This book explores some of the new developments in the Feminist theory, it also refers back to the status of women as both subjects and objects of knowledge. This book is very debative and also talks about womens and gender, and how we percieve them. This book will be very beneficial to me as in my Independant study one of the main ares that i am looking at is gender, and how women are portrayed as being subordiante to men. This book has got sme excellent information aboout, subordination, patruarchy and dominace. Iwill be able to make some excellent reference from this book.

(3) Studying the Media by Tim O' Sullivan, Brian Dutton and Philip Rayner (1998)

This bookk will be helpful to me as I belive that it has got some very handy information about realiam, representation and audience. It has got excellent references to theroirst such as Laura Mulvey and gives in-depth information about women and men. Adding on to this it also has got excellent reference to other useful authors which i can look at for my independant study and make refrence to.
(4) Gender Studies by Anne Cranny- Francis, Wendy Waring, Pam Stavropoulos and Joan Kirkby 2003

This is one of my sisters Uni books that i found lying in my room. It has got excellent informaiton of contemporary issues such as sex, Gender, Identity and Race. Also it has got a variety of theorist to this issues which i can relate to my study, and also add some quotes.

(5) Walter, Natasha (1998) The New Feminism, London: Little Brown.

I belive that this book will definately come in use, as whole book will talk about Feminism and how they are seen today,such as being independant and so on. This will be very useful for my study because towards the end of the film the main protagonist Aishwarya becomes independant and stands on her feet, i can get some useful quotes and add them in my study.

(6) Deveaux, Monique (1994) ' Feminism and Empowerment': a crucial reading of Foucault.
The reason for why i have chosen this book is because it also talks about sexuality, and Feminism and my study heavily looks at that. This book has also got some feminist scholars, that talk about how they view feminist to be, so i belive that this book will be worth making reference to.

(7) Farrell, Warren (2001) ' The Myth of Male Power, New York: Penguin'.

This book is very useful indeed. It has got some historical information in the book, such as how men's were preceievd during the old days, and it also heavily looks at male dominace and patriachy with excellent quotations. It focuses on Mens role in detail, which is very handy for me, as 'Provoked' shows this, we see Deepak being a abusive father and husband. I think this book will benefit me alot towards my study.

(8) Gray, John (1993) Men Are From Mars: Women Are From Venus, London: Thorsons.

This book discusses the realationship between husband and wife, and how they both can have a improving relationship. I went for this book because looking back at 'Provoked' we as the audience can clearly see that the relationship between Kiranjeet and Deepak are bad, as he is a very abusive husband and she is very passive towards him, in simple words helpless. I think this book will provide me with excellent information.
(9) Elasmar, Michael ' The Portrayal of Women in US prime time television' (1999)
I went for this book, as i belive that it will help me se how women's have been seen in TV. However it may also not be very handy for me because it might just focus on US and my film for my study is being focused on British Text. Yet i can just get some quotations that might be very useful to me.
(10) Transformations of Gender and Race: Family and Developmental Perspectives
This book, look at gender and differet Race, and how they seem to get along with their family, i think this will be very helpful to me as i can make links and also reference towards my study.

Sunday, 4 November 2007

'Blog Buddies'

I have chosen Dips as my class buddy. The reason for this being is because Dips talks about similar stuff which clearly links to my independant study for example the whole idea of Male dominance and womens being portrayed as being Passive. By working together not only can we share ideas but also be in use for one another.

I chose Amrit as my other buddy, as she is she basing her independant study on 'Provoked' and so am I. We both will be able to look at the major issues in the film and have a discussion over it, and to also help one another with the work. Also i chose Amrit because she has got some excellent websites that can come in handy with my Independant study. Amrit heavily focuses on the idea of Male dominance and the character of Deepak which i also do, and therefore it gives both of us the oppourtunity to help each other.