Monday, 19 November 2007

Meeting with Blog Buddy...

As my class buddy is Dips I met her over the weekend to have a talk about our research and what books will be both useful to me and her. We had spent rougly about 1-2 hours going through the books we both had gathered and some of the internet research we had. We then came to our final book and decided what we were going to share.

In my viewpoint I think the best book for Dips so far is the book about Gender Studies by Anne Cranny- Francis, Wendy Waring, Pam Stavropoulos and Joan Kirkby 2003. This book heavily focuses on Gender roles, and has alot to say about both females and males, and their roles have changed over the period of time. Some of the page numbers that i believe that will be helpful to Dips are pages 5and 6...The reason for this being is because they talk about Male dominance throughout and show how the they were precieved and how they are still seen to be dominant. Also i would recommend this book to Dips and myself because they talk in depth about Gender Studies and how females are portrayed.

The book has got excellent Theroies;theoriest, that give different views and ideas. I belive that this book will be a great use for the pair of us.


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